This work, as well as the Exoskeleton has been created for MVSIVA 2015, an exhibition organized by Itineraria in collaboration with the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli.
The inspiration for the 7th edition of this mosaic contest is the works of Roberto Foramitti, whose two main passions in life are science and art, and who has been successfully pursuing two parallel careers: as a hydraulic engineer and as a painter.
Often depicting explicit and almost methodically arranged compositions of shells and still nature, his paintings seems rigorous, coarse and repetitive but at the same time they remain very crisp, bold and graphic.
It is that almost scientific aspect of his compositions and their illustrative quality that have fascinated me the most.
This mosaic is handmade using bricks and marble.
It took part of the exhibition in the castle of Spilimbergo in Italy from 4th December 2015 until 31st January 2016.